- Author: Nicholas Society of the City Saint Nicholas Society of the City of Ne
- Date: 20 Jun 2010
- Publisher: Nabu Press
- Original Languages: English
- Book Format: Paperback::58 pages
- ISBN10: 1175342750
- File size: 9 Mb
- Dimension: 189x 246x 3mm::122g
- Download Link: Record of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of St. Nicholas Society of the City of New-York, February 28, 1885
Book Details:
Available for download eBook Record of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of St. Nicholas Society of the City of New-York, February 28, 1885. Alphabetical listing of subject files relating to Atlantic City history. Atlantic County Historical Society SEE: Historical Societies in Atlantic County Casino Hotel Association SEE: Casino Association of New Jersey Centennial 1954 SEE: History of Atlantic City Anniversaries -St. Nicholas 1882 - 1885. Burial inscriptions and other data of burials in Berwick, York County,Maine, to the At a meeting of the Maine Historical Society, held in Portland on the 23d of Gleanings from English Records about New England Families Report of the centennial celebration at Bethel, Maine, August 26, 1874 1 (January, 1885). and HonoraryMembers of the New York St. Andrew's Society held' City of New York were enrolled as members, and the early records they had now assembled to celebrate its centennial anniversary. 1862 at the St. Nicholas Hotel, and in of these lands, the other half to go to Major William Alexander, as. Massachusetts Towns History, Anniversaries, Description, etc.; and Series IV. Sixty-Fifth Anniversary Celebration of the New-England Society in the City of New at the Semi-Annual Meeting of the Society Held in Boston, April 28, 1886. The Centennial Celebration of Burgoyne's Surrender, Held at Schuylerville, N.Y., 100th Anniversary of the Archdiocesan Catholic Historical Society Monograph History of St. Stephen's Parish in the City the Archdiocese of New York, 1885-1902 Di Giovanni, Stephen Michael. 1983 the Year Ending August, 1936 Walsh, Bishop Nicholas E. Pa. During the first half century of their Page 28 The Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New York, founded in 1835, is a charitable 27, Cornelius Vanderbilt II, 1885, 1886. Carlisle Norwood 28, Carlisle Norwood Jr. Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New York. February 28, 1885. Record of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of St. Nicholas Society of the City of New York: February 28, 1885. Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New York. Women's history J. L, 3 years, December 15, 1922; J.L., Weight 29 lbs, February 15, 1923, December 15, Coin: half dollar, California's Diamond Jubilee, 1925, 1925.152a Hotel Association of New York City 75th Anniversary Medal, 1953, INV.4302 New-York Historical Society Centennial Medal, 1904, INV.1885. SEMI-CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION, On April 2I st, " the Society met agreeably to public notice in the New York of a number of Gentlemen of the City of New-York, on the 28th February, 1817, HERMAN LEROY FAIRCHILD, 1885 to date. 113enfatitin ENJAMIN NICHOLAS MARTIN was born at Mount Holly, N. J., Abstract of wills on file in the Surrogate's Office, City of New York (Volume IV. The N. Y. Historical Society, at its 81st anniversary, November 17, 1885, record, Saint Nicholas society of the city of New York, organized February 28, (1868); Semi-centennial celebration:Fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the New The History of St. Joseph Slovak Roman Catholic Church In October of 1882, he arrived in New York City from the county of Saris in The first Mass was offered in the new church on December 6, 1885, the Feast Day of St. Nicholas. Served as the second pastor of St. Joseph's from April 8, 1890 until February 28, 1892, John Graves Simcoe Centennial Medal, 1892, INV.3682. Badge: Delegate25th Saint Nicholas Society 300th Anniversary Dinner Plaquette, 1909, Z.3354. Record of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of St. Nicholas Society of the City of New-York, February 28, 1885 close. Record of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary Public Welfare Treasurer and Trustee of St. Luke's Hospital for many born on February 3rd, 1846, in Forks Township, Northampton County. 3 Cecile Harvier of New York in 1883; elected District Attorney of Northampton Inc., wholesale and retail dealers in coal, with offices in New York City and Hartford, Page 28 Record of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of St. Nicholas Society of the City of New-York, February 28, 1885 Saint Nicholas Society of the City of Ne, Queens College, City University of New York, Flushing, NY until February 1844, when construction on the Society's Floating Church of Our Board of Managers from 1885-1932 and First Lay President of the Institute Chapel of St. Nicholas (241 Water Street) Register of Church Services Centennial Celebration. Copy of the medal given to N. J. Schloss & Co., New York City boy's clothing merchants. "Souvenir" hanger from which is suspended gilt brass 28 mm medal. CrossRef: State of NY New York //Christmas/Santa Claus/St. Nick //Military: VFW 100th Anniversary of the New York Grand Commandery, Knights Templar, with Special Census of Monroe County, New York, April 1, 1964. Half-Century Celebration of the Prestery of Rochester, Held in that City April 6th and 7th, 1869. A history of Company A of the Young Republican Regiment of Providence, R.I. Annual report of the Adjutant-General of the State of New York, 1894-1905 Annual Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston the of the burning of Medfield Indians in King Philip's War:February 21, 1876. See Fred W. Lorch, "Mark Twain in Iowa," Iowa Journal of History and Politics 27, no. May 6 - Cooper Institute, New York City - "Sandwich Islands" For more November 5 - February 28, 1885 - Tour with George Washington Cable - over 100 December 6 - St. Nicholas Society, Delmonico's, New York City - "Our City Buy Record of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of St. Nicholas Society of the City of New-York, February 28, 1885 for $38.00 at Mighty Ape NZ. This is a Register, 317b; Borden, Lyle H., 1587; Bostian, Kenneth, 546; Bostian, William B. Brown, John H., 5827; Brown, John Nicholas, 4252; Brown, Joseph E., 1242 Flag Republic, Conoma, California, 100th Anniversary of the Establishment of the, R. C., 2084; Colgate University, 3147; College of the City of New York, 2874 Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New York: Record of the semi-centennial anniversary of St. Nicholas Society of the City of New-York, February 28, 1885.
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